Our founders discovered and pioneered travelling through home exchanges. Since 1953 we have been leading the way facilitating home exchange between families, singles and retired people.
Within the organization our national representatives work together and beyond country borders to make sure that you find the perfect exchange partner and that your holidays are stress-free and fun. Watch the video to get a quick glimpse of what Intervac can offer.
Bilbytte: | Ja |
Ikke-ryger: | Ja |
Husdyr skal passes: | Nej |
CA | AT |
CH | DE |
DK | FR |
Bilbytte: | Ja |
Ikke-ryger: | Ja |
Husdyr skal passes: | Nej |
ES | FR |
PT | IT |
Bilbytte: | Ja |
Ikke-ryger: | Ja |
Husdyr skal passes: | Nej |
SE | DK |
NL | FI |
IS | NO |
Bilbytte: | Ja |
Ikke-ryger: | Ja |
Husdyr skal passes: | Nej |
DK | FR |
ES | BE |
GB | GB |
Listings for you who are travelling in
the next 8 weeks
Maybe you want to discover a place you didn’t
even know existed
Bæredygtighed og deleøkonomi er nogle af de ord der er meget oppe i tiden. Og der er vel ingen der er i tvivl om, at vi skal passe på vores jord på alle de områder, hvor vi kan. Genbrug, bedre ressourceudnyttelse og klimabeskyttelse er nogle af de parametre, der er i brug, og med boligbytte som ferieform ydes der også et bidrag i denne retning.
”Think globally, act locally”Er måske et stort udtryk at bringe ind i denne sammenhæng, men oftest bringer et boligbytte os væk fra de store kommercialiserede ferieområder og ud i mindre lokale områder, hvor man som ferierende i høj grad bidrager til understøttelse af de lokale udbud og faciliteter.
Fly eller bil?Analyser viser, at de fleste boligbyttere vælger rejsemål der ligger tættere på end hvis man vælger flyrejser med hotel eller anden overnatningsform, og langt de fleste benytter også bilen som transportmiddel. Det er heller ikke ualmindeligt, at man rejser frem til sin destination med tog og derfor også har aftalt bilbytte med sin byttepartner. Det er bæredygtig ferie og bidrager stort til det overordnede klimaregnskab.
Your membership fee covers unlimited vacation exchanges during a specific period of time (usually a year or more) and most of our members exchange their home several times a year. We offer two different membership plans to match your needs.
At Intervac International, we believe that home exchange should not be a transaction but an opportunity to create personal connections and that is why we have a "no points-policy". Our members are part of an exchange family. We stay committed to creating a safe space where dream adventures come true.
Our exchange community is made up of real members from around the world, who are authentic home exchangers themselves. Every single one of them are eager to help you fulfill your traveling dreams, in a flexible, cost-effective and sustainable manner.
Contact national representativeMore Activity in Europe than Competitors
Wow! Members for one week. One offer from Finland, two from Sweden, one from Switzerland and two from France. Looks like we're going to central Paris. The other company we joined three weeks ago, no offers! Thank You Intervac!!! Many thanks for our Honeymoon, a dream come true!
- Gordon & Kathy Poulson
Lifelong Friendships around the World
Your company has brought our family many wonderful vacation opportunities to establish life long friendships. We sing your praises to all our friends. Thank you! Thank you!
- Bert Hague, England